The National Association of Financially Independent Professionals (NAFIP) is a non-profit association dedicated to helping working Americans, often as Independent Contractors, improve their overall well being through health and financial related wellness initiatives.

: dependent on or acquired by association or learning

Working Americans continue to struggle with finding access to affordable healthcare options for themselves and their families. Through an exclusive marketing agreement with the NAFIP, Coterie Advisors works with industry-leading insurance carriers and benefit providers to create a package of benefits that will help working individuals and their families. NAFIP's ability to offer their members affordable coverage will provide their members with access to a level of benefits that they can afford and deserve.
: something that produces good or helpful results or effects or that promotes well-being

Health is much more than just your physical condition (though your physical condition plays a large role in your health.) Your mental well-being is equally as important as your physical condition when it comes to your overall health. There are several factors that contribute to both your physical condition and mental well-being, however, across most research platforms the reality emerges that work, money, and diet most significantly affect our lives.

NAFIP membership is open to individuals from all walks of life. That diversity makes us stronger. The underlying bond our members share is a desire to improve their overall health. Members come from every corner of main street, from the realtor in Texas to the graphic designer in Florida. From independent business owners to independent contractor. You are our focus.
: to make sound or whole

NAFIP was formed with the realization that overall health is about more than just your physical condition. Physical health is a major aspect of the education and formation of our association, however, offering access to mental health betterment, as well as financial health betterment (which plays a crucial role in mental health), produces a community of individuals that have access to the information and tools to truly better their overall health.
Experience the Associative Benefits of Healing.
A process of learning by association - promoting well-being that leads to wholeness.

Personalized meal plans tailored to your needs and goals
Interactive program that uses your entered results to keep your diet on track
Smart weekly grocery shopping lists
Convenient at-a-glance calorie, fat, carb, and protein totals
Customized workouts to match your fitness level
Access-Anywhere online workout calendar and log
Fitness plans
Diet plans
Articles and videos
Visit a doctor, counselor, psychiatrist or dermatologist by mobile app, video or phone
Discounts for natural vitamins, nutritional supplements, and bath and personal care products

Access to counselors over the phone and ability to see counselors face-to-face
Interactive blogs dealing with mental well-being
Video resource libraries
Audio lessons for mindfulness
Educational resource libraries covering, but not limited to:
Anger Management
Family Counseling
Job Stress
Marital Concerns
Stress Management
Substance Abuse
Work-Life Balance
The National Association of Financially Independent Professionals
Through the collective purchasing power of our membership, a holistic benefit program has been developed to enable our members to receive a wide variety of discounts, privileges, and services. Membership benefits are designed to provide the resources, education, and roadmap to achieve and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
The benefits of membership are specifically designed to allow NAFIP members to save money on a variety of goods, services, and insurance coverage. Members can take advantage of many programs that will assist with enhancing their overall quality of life.